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Captainsalon dot

The Captain’s Saloon provides a stylish Art Nouveau setting for wedding receptions, group and club celebrations, and banquets of up to 92 guests. Of course, it also sets just the right scene for a romantic candlelight dinner for two. Please bear in mind that this is a non-smoking area. In this way we can ensure full enjoyment of the delicate flavours and aromas served to you while at the same time preserving our historic dining room.

The Cabin / Kajüte / for Fondue dot

Anyone who’s on the lookout for something completely different for a party of 15 to 40 people is sure to be delighted by the very exclusive below-deck feeling in our Cabin.

The Anchor Snug / Das Ankerstübli dot

In the restaurant itself there’s a great selection of fish straight from the lake, plus an imaginative variety of tastebud treats. The cosy Anchor Snug seats around 36 all told, and is set aside for individual diners.

Winterdeck dot

Von Oktober bis April verschliessen wir die Seitenwände vom Bardeck und heizen kuschelig warm ein. Das Winterdeck ist ideal für Chinoise & Fondue für Gesellschaften bis 50 Personen.


360° Raumansicht

Mittelschiff / Dampfmaschine dot

Die Bar im Eingangsbereich vom Mittelschiff, bei der nostalgischen Dampfmaschine.

Middledeck terrace dot

To your right the quaint turrets of the Old Town, to your left Lucerne’s eye-catching cultural jewel, the KKL (“Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern”) … and framed between them the archaic majesty of the alps. Stay with us – because the view simply can’t get any better than this!

Panoramadeck dot

It’s dusk and the sun on the horizon is glittering and gleaming across the water. A gentle breeze is playing with your hair.  Take time out and stop the clock for an evening on our Panorama Deck! The Panorama Deck seats about 88 people.

Schiffrestaurant Wilhelm Tell
Landungsbrücke 9
CH-6006 Luzern

T +41 (0)41 410 23 30
